LRAIC er en methods, which is used to regulate a number of interconnection rates for mobile networks as well as fixed line. The purpose of the regulation is secure, the operators' interconnection products priced from, what should be the cost of a modern, optimally driven telenetværk. In this way the, at teleudbyderne ikke betaler for regulerede operatørerss eventuelle historiske fejlinvesteringer og utidssvarende teknologier.

The Danish LRAIC prices are calculated in a model, as Business Authority is responsible for maintaining and updating annually. The use of LRAIC is based in the EU's recommendations in this area and therefore reminds European LRAIC models apart relatively widely across borders.

Nordic Connect has participated actively in the implementation of LRAIC in Denmark and has extensive experience with the method.

Nordic Connect offers project management, modeling, analyze, impact analyzes and Service of consultation processes. We can both lead and assist in LRAIC processes for both operators and regulatory authorities.

We can also offer a model of sparring, in terms of economic impact assessments, and we can prepare presentations for model changes.

Contact us for an informal dialogue